Company Benefits
All companies large or small are unique with an assortment of benefit offerings. Whether you are working in tech, a startup, an established company, or self employed, we understand all levers to pull to maximize our clients available benefit options.
Tax Planning
Clients take comfort knowing they are doing all they can throughout the year to mitigate unnecessary tax liability. Understanding how they earn and report income (both active and passive) puts us in a position to uncover and pursue tax efficient strategies.
Estate Planning
Establishing a sound estate plan is one of the most important steps to take when it comes to planning. A common misconception is that estate planning is only for the "ultra wealthy". Everyone, regardless of their wealth, should have a plan. We will work with our clients and enlist the help of our attorney partners to identify the proper direction for their legacy.
Cash Flow Planning
Stock markets are the greatest generator of return for investors over time, but their volatility can prevent investors from sticking to their long-term strategies and objectives. Sometimes investors will waiver. Understanding our client's projected cashflow is fundamental to our process of measuring their capacity to take risk with their savings. Our process helps them stay committed to reaching their long-term goals.
Risk Management
The need for insurance can be different for everyone. We carefully review all sources of risk and coverage needs while working with outside partners to make sure all of our clients are receiving appropriate coverage.
Real Estate
Whether it is a primary residence, rental property, or commercial property we objectively review your real estate to make sure it is a sound investment. We will also review your mortgage and run analysis to make sure that any potential refinancing is cost effective and cash flow friendly.
Investment Management
We create customized portfolio strategies tailored to our clients' specific needs. We apply a data driven approach, examine each client's cash flow, savings, and expenses and formulate for each of them a unique and personalized portfolio strategy. Our evidence based philosophy allows our clients peace of mind and a strategy to rely on during periods of market volatility.
Financial Projections
We stress test our client's financial plan to make sure they have clear and obtainable goals. We will review scenarios such as buying a new home, college funding, and retirement to see how each scenario effects future outcomes in a variety of market scenarios.
Stock Compensation Planning
Receiving company equity compensation is widely viewed as an award, but it can also create surprises if left unchecked. Equity compensation can be a tax minefield that, if not carefully navigated, can create costly surprises at the end of the year. We help our clients mitigate tax liability and stock concentration by tactfully creating short and long term plans for their company equity.
Strategic Philanthropy
When clients are passionate about philanthropy and have interest in supporting foundations or organizations important to them, we will create charitable plans that optimize tax savings while supporting the causes they value most.
Retirement Planning
Becoming vocationally free is a dream for a lot of people. To keep clients on track we measure and assess various degrees of probability with their plan and map out a reasonable pathway to follow that helps them confidently achieve what they strive for in life.
Education Planning
For the last few decades, education costs have been rising more rapidly than most other expenditures. For those clients who would like to prioritize educational funding for their children or grandchildren, we will seek out and implement their optimal funding strategy.